Thursday, December 24, 2009

On Hold…

Just a quick note that the blog is on hold until after the first of the year…with the holidays and my health, things have spiraled a little and time has passed too fast. So, a little break and we will return again after the first of the year. I wish all of you many happy wishes during the holidays.


Monday, December 7, 2009

It has been several days

For several reasons…the biggest one is never ever ever leave two women alone. They were supposed to be watching movies. That is what they said they were going to do. That is what Rita's last blog said, right? She affirmed that they were going to watch movies last weekend, right? I did not miss something, did I?

I did not think so.

I thought I was perfectly safe leaving with Sam and David to take care of a little bit of business--never you mind what that was, you will find out soon enough--but did the ladies follow through on their end of things? No. Instead of watching movies, they did a little more.

I would say never trust women. But it goes a little further than that.

Never trust a witch and never trust a female vampire.

You would think with as much as we are trying to keep Missy's existence quiet Around here, she would do things that would not draw potential attraction…that was the only saving grace. They did not draw human eyes. Now, inhuman…that is another story. They claim nothing came knocking at the doors, that they didn't have any visitors, that they were completely alone Saturday night, but I certainly feel others around…that is what I have been doing. I have been on patrol, constantly monitoring and patrolling that something doesn't show up. Tonight is the first night that I have taken off…and I am not fully relaxing either. I have a feeling that something is going to be showing up soon…Damn those two and their play!


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

*Very* Interesting

Rita…tsk tsk tsk. Don’t worry, my dear. I am more concerned with Missy’s feelings than I am your…fragile…sensibilities. If you do not want to look at your psyche, I won’t look in that very…interesting direction either.

There is enough going on in that direction as is without having to try examining your conflicted libido about me. I do not with to know more.

However, that being said, I would suggest you follow your own counsel and be careful what you put on the world wide web. Especially where Missy could stumble upon it. Especially where you know she reads your blogs. That is, if you do want to rebuild your relationship, like you say you do…

Tsk tsk tsk. You never struck me as someone so…impetuous…nor as someone who could hold their liquor. I would suggest you refrain from that as well.

On a separate topic…are you coming over this weekend for our usual movie night? I know Missy would enjoy seeing you.


Saturday, November 21, 2009

Lucky coin

I was thinking back to my mortal years. back before I found out about my mother, back when it was just my father and I and we were just simple farmers in the hills of Ireland. Do you realize how many years ago those were? Me neither. it has been so many that I cannot accurately count them. One day I might sit down and figure them out for Missy, but not today. today I was thinking about something else. I had a coin. yes, a coin. A lucky coin. or what I thought was lucky at that time. But, thinking back, it don’t suppose it was all that lucky considering what happened. it was shortly after I found that coin that mother showed up on our doorstep, and then Hildy and the whole vampire fiasco. I wonder what happened to that coin? Was it lucky? I don’t know. I don’t know. If you look at it from that angle, no, it wasn’t lucky…but in the long run, it led me to Missy, and that, my dear mortals, was very lucky. I would not trade Missy for anything in the world. Perhaps that coin will find its way back to me. Perhaps. they usually do. I will have to keep my eye open for it. It has been centuries. I would never have thought a coin would last that long, but you see it all the time. So, yes, I will have to keep my eye open, and see what circumstances it brings with it…and perhaps, if they are well, I will pass it along to my love.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The murders

I see Missy explained about my absence last night. The investigation took a lot longer than I anticipated. I thought I would be finished long before I was. Poor Missy, sitting alone all that time. I regret that she cannot go out. I know she is getting tired of sitting at home. Soon, she will be able to go out. Soon. I am hopeful.

Now, the murders. I do not think they had anything to do with Baethen. they were similar, but not quite his style. There are other’s of his kind out there, it would be too much to hope that they would stay away. Once it was known what happened here, it was bound to draw their eye…and their presence. It is another reason that things must happen soon.

I must talk to Missy and David as soon as possible.

I see Rita has been at it once again. Trust her to twist my words, once again. I see she wants to run an investigation on me. I do not know what she will hope to gain. I have nothing to hide. How much will she be able to honestly find on a vampire of Faerie descent? There are not any paper records. It will be interesting to see. I may just encourage her in this. It may prove entertaining. I see, though, that she also had a stab of conscious this morning. what a shame. I am quite getting used to her biting tongue. I don’t know what I would do with her if she actually became friendly. Though, for Missy’s sake…It would be interesting, to say the least.


Sunday, November 8, 2009

Little Miss Rita…

You can say I was shocked to see Little Miss Rita’s little rant here on the world wide web tonight. I was not expecting that. I could say that I thought that we were making progress…but that would be a lie.

I had wanted to talk a little more about my past history…perhaps a little more about my relationship with Missy. One or the other. But Rita superseded that with her…complaint. Perhaps after I address what she said, I can continue on with what I was going to talk about…perhaps.

She said that I am the root of Missy’s problems…well, I really can’t deny that. After all, I admitted to feeling that way myself. So, regardless of what Missy feels, I feel that Rita has a valid point there.

What I take umbrage with the most, is the accusation that I am more like Hildy that I will admit. I am not a cold, unfeeling murderer. I have never sought to harm others. I have never killed in cold blood, or otherwise. Hildy has. It is true that I transformed Missy into a vampire, and I will regret that to this day. I would have ended my life with Missy. I would have chosen to die the day Missy died, regardless of when that was. But, Hildy changed that for me…and so did Missy. I was selfish in following through with it. I never sought to change her though. I never planned on it.

I have never sought to push Rita out of Missy’s life, but if that is how Rita sees it, I am sorry for her. I was very happy for Missy to have someone like Rita in her life, someone who loves her as much as Rita does, and I hope that love comes back to what it is. I have no plans to make it change…in either direction. It is up to the women.

But, I am not evil. I am not like Hildy. I never have been, and I hope to the gods and goddesses of the old world, that I never will be.

It saddens me that Rita has become so…bitter. Especially reading her blog profile that she is now seeking to use her magic to get rid of me in any way she can. If she can just learn to accept me, we can all live together—not in the literal sense, of course0—and be happy.


Saturday, November 7, 2009

The nights are passing…

…a little too fast. I don’t know where they are going. I wish to spend them with Missy, and also her father, but I fear that time is passing us by as we live here. What is happening in the world of the Fae while we while away the time in the world of the mortals?

I would not trade this time for anything, however, the time does pass by…and it does not pass by at the same rate there as it does here. what is happening there while I am so happy here?

What is happening there? Is all well? Or has the influence that Hildy wielded touched all there and planted a rot that will eventually erupt and bring ruin everywhere?

I fear that when we go there for the wedding, we will not be returning to a happy home-homing, the one that I have envisioned in all of my long exile.

We must go soon. But, I cannot bear to take Missy from her home where she spent all of her mortal years. But…we must go soon. I fear what we will find. The Fae are strong, but…I fear for my family…and in turn, I fear for Missy’s family, and my own dear love.


Friday, November 6, 2009

Meeting her

When I first saw Missy, my world stopped. I had been hunting and following Hildy for so long, that I had ceased hoping to find someone for myself. Hildy was my focus. Stopping her my obsession.

When I saw Missy on that river bank and knew that Hildy was near, my heart stopped. Yes, my heart still beats even though I am vampire. the Fae blood in me keeps me alive enough to keep the bodily functions going. why else do you think I can eat? Imagine how painful that would be if I did not have bodily functions?

However, I digress.

Melissa stood on that river bank, the fog hanging in the trees behind her, yet the river bank was clear, leaving an unimpeded view of my beloved. And from that very moment, she was my beloved. my center of focus stopped from chasing and stopping Hildy from some vague threat of world domination, to stopping Hildy from hurting this wondrous creature.

It may sound like my world revolves around Melissa, and in a way, it does. When you live for centuries, your priorities contract…and yet, they expand in such a way that mortals cannot comprehend. I don’t mean to belittle you. I envy you. I once thought I was one of you. That ended the day my mother showed up on my Da’s doorstep on our mountainside farm all those centuries ago. In fact, I was not Fae enough to have survived longer than a mortal life, so it should not have mattered. That Fae blood. it should not have mattered.

And I cursed the day that all of that changed. That is, until I met My Missy.

Picture it; I was going to end this one way or another. I could not take it. I have not told Missy this, though once she reads this, she will know…and I am sure it will be put in her next book. *small laugh* I was going to take Hildy out, or let her take me out. To use a phrase that Missy would love. I could not do it any more. I had spent so long chasing after her, and failing. Watching her murder and ruin so many lives, while I failed again and again. I could not take it any more. This was to be the last attempt. I had vowed this to myself, and to my faithful companion, Galen. How much more, has yet to be revealed. Let’s just leave it that he is my faithful companion.

Then, there standing on the river bank, and I stood staring toward the house that I knew sheltered the woman that was the source of my turmoil, I saw the woman who became the source of my joy, and I knew I had to do whatever it took to not only survive, but to end Hildy’s reign of terror. I succeeded on one score, and only partially on the other. There is time yet…

Together, Missy and I will finish it. Always, together.


Thursday, November 5, 2009

Waking with her in my arms…

…Always seems a miracle to me. After the battle…yet, she has told me not to talk to anyone about that yet.

So, I must focus on something else. What shall I talk of? what shall I mention that would not be off limits until she mentions it, or until her book comes out?

*Silent laughter* She would be so angry right now if she knew I were here. it is dark, but she is still asleep. I am afraid that for a while yet she is going to be tied to more than the movements of the sun. We are in the South, and it has been dark for at least an hour, perhaps longer. I lost track of the actual movement of time. But yet she slumbers. She won’t be for much longer. And I will have to be by her side when she awakens. I promised her she will never have to wake alone.

I fear for her. I sense something is amiss, but she won’t talk to me. She has even blocked our minds from talking about it. Yet, I can see something is bothering her. Something more than what happened all those months ago. Maybe when she begins opening up more about what happened, she will open up more about what is bothering her.

I can only hope.

I go back to my opening statement. It does not matter the exact *what* of what is bothering her. it may sound a little cold putting it that way. but we have eternity to work through it. I will be there with her, waking with her in my arms from the night after I changed her, to the day we decide to end it completely. She will remain in my arms, and it will forever be a miracle. Whatever this is, it may seem important to her now, but in the long run, it is really just trivial and we will work through it together.

Yet, until she see this, I fear that she may do something that she will regret.

To sleep and wake with each other. To live and love with each other. In reality, that is all that matters.


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

My poor love...

Centuries I have searched. Centuries. Do you know how long that really is? especially when you can not, absolutely not, let anyone close? Sure, you have the stories of these would-be lover-type vampires (and yes, some of them are true, regardless of what you would chose to believe) that pine and whine that they cannot be with their loves. But they can. they chose not to. I would have changed places with them in a second. Or I thought I would have.

But then I would not have been with Missy. I would not have met her. I would not have held her in my arms. I would not have placed her in danger. Or would I? Am I looking at this wrong? If I had chose to forsake my mission, if I had chosen to chose a love all those years ago, regardless that that love would not be my true mate...would I be condemning Missy to death?

I will have to think on that one.

I had not thought of it that way. If it is the truth, then I have been beating myself up for nothing. I have been letting Rita verbally beat me for the same.

I will have to think.

Regardless, I wish there was some way I could make this easier for Missy. All of it. She has told her story to this point. I am following her lead on what she chooses to disclose, but I will also disclose bits and pieces. Her story must be told, and I will not take that away from her. The odds of a story coming from my point of view are slim, but there are times that I must...absolutely must....have my point of view heard.

Tonight is *not* one of them. Tonight I pine for my love in a way that she will never understand even though she is mere feet away from me. I have "high-jacked" her computer, as she would say, to put this out to the world. She is young yet. She will learn.

She is hurting though. The reasons, for your curiosity, will be let known soon. for tonight, it is enough that her and I know. I must go to her now. The night is young and I would be with her and not this box.

I hope you understand.

Dominick and his mate, Missy, are characters out a book series starting with Into the Forest (coming July 2010 from Mundania Press) and the sequel, Underhill (work-in-progress) written by Cherry Dumas ( , , ,